Femundløpet 2021 Cancelled Due To Covid-19

January 21st 2021, the Norwegian Directorate of Health has decided that Femundløpet 2021 can not take place as planned.

It is a very difficult decision to make, but the board has decided to follow the recommendation of the Directorate of Health.
— CEO Femundløpet, Jon Anders Kokkvoll

Directorate of Health Advising Against

“The Norwegian Directorate of Health does not want any big events, or any events at all where people need to travel, move around and meet others from different municipalities, and strongly advice that the race is cancelled,” says Røros Municipality Doctor Anne-Lajla Westerfjell Karlstad. She says that the Norwegian Institute of Public Health agreed that the infection control measures planned by the organisation were sufficient, but the Directorate of Health advised against going through with the race.

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CEO Jon Anders Kokkvoll says it is a very difficult decision to make, but that the board has decided to follow the recommendation of the Directorate of Health.

Investigating Alternatives

“I have on behalf of the board and race organisation, I have communicated that we are following the advice from the health authorities. The collaboration with the municipalities has been exemplary, and we need to investigate our options going forward. We are currently working on alternatives for a similar race format at a later stage during the winter, says Kokkvoll.

Full press release (Norwegian) can be found here

Sadly, there won’t be any dog teams starting or finishing their race in Røros in 2021.

Sadly, there won’t be any dog teams starting or finishing their race in Røros in 2021.



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